Beyond the Bookery | Who I Am... & How It Happened
Hi! It's Abigail here... sharing a bit about the face and mission behind Beyond the Bookery.
I've been writing, blogging, and whatnot since I was 15, I've dabbled in graphic design and photography since I was able to see Momma working on either since I was 6 and I would "work" myself, but I really started doing graphic design and such seriously when I started blogging.
Beyond the Bookery is the meeting of my two dreams, The Bookery Boutique, and my small press, CDXC Aurora Lux Libri Publishing.
Something I've dreamed of for years, both an online store and a small press.
You see, I remember sitting on the floor, Mom's laptop in front of me, setting up my first blog after doing school. I had a notebook, pens, and another notebook for writing beside me. I was thinking about how I'm going to be horrible at this, but this is going to be so much fun!
I couldn't write, I didn't know anything about blogging.
All I knew was that I loved following Kellyn Roth and Rebekah Morris and that they inspired me to start writing and blogging.
I tried and failed NaNoWriMo that year, I had my neon green pen, my pink and purple pens, and possibly a red pen, I was armed with the craziest spy thriller with 13 siblings in a royal family from a fictional country. I failed then.
But that wasn't the end. It was nowhere near the end!
With my having published a novella, and a short story in an anthology for another small press, I was talking one day with my friend, M. L. Milligan, about hosting an anthology together. Here we are now!
It happened so fast, it was so much fun, and I really felt like it was time to start really thinking about doing a small press. Not long after Seize the Night was published and we were working on Seize the Love after lots of prayers, talking over so many things, and a crazy story later came the start of Beyond the Bookery.
Beyond the Bookery | Mission Statement
Our Mission is to share stories, products, and connect with our customers in a way that brings glory to our Lord and Savior.
Beyond the Bookery | Statement of Faith
We believe that there is only one single God who is existent in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
We believe the Bible is the infallible Word of God, meant for the instruction and inspiration of mankind and is for all people.
We believe that all people have sinned and all fall short of the glory of God, this original sin separates us from God and sets us on a path to eternal separation from God in Hell without belief in His Son.
The only way to Heaven is through God and acceptance of his forgiveness from our sins through the finished works of Jesus Christ and His death on the cross. The gift of salvation comes only from God and His Son's death and cannot be gotten through works.
We believe in the deity of Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, His sinless life, His atoning death, and His bodily resurrection. We believe He will personally return in power and glory one day.
We believe that God created all in seven days as said in the book of Genesis.